The Difference Between Glass Fibre, Single Membrane and Liquid Applied Roofing Systems

This entry was posted on Oct 7, 2014 by speedy-bed

There are many different roofing systems, products and materials available on the market in today’s world, but the below are some of the more popular systems used. We will discuss these three different systems, to establish their individual unique qualities:

Glass fibre roofing – This is a roofing system that is used widely and well respected in the building industry. A variety of products are used in conjunction to produce the end result. These include; resin, fibreglass matting, topcoat and catalyst. When fibreglass is fully cured it has immense strength, which protects your roof from poor weather elements. Topcoat will provide a smooth finish and can be used in conjunction with different colour pigments to provide the correct colour as specified. If a fibreglass roof is applied correctly, it should have a lifespan of at least 30 years.

Roofing System
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Single membrane roofing – This would generally apply to roofing products such as rubber roofing. This is a pretty new technology on the market but never the less is a great product. Whether you are in the trade, or a do it yourselfer, this product can be usable. An adhesive is spread on boards, and a rubber membrane applied on top, the membrane is then spread out, rolled and brushed to leave the product flat and tight. Dependent on the type of adhesive that is used with this product in can be laid on practically any surface. The life expectancy is around 50 years.

Liquid applied roofing – This is a product that can be applied to many different styles of roofs such as flat or pitched. The liquid can be applied cold and provides a water tight seal. Cracks won’t generally appear on a liquid applied roof due to the flexibility of the end product. The life expectancy of this product is around 20 years.

Although these products can be applied easily if the preparation is correct, it is always advisable to seek professional advice before commencing work.