How To Make Plastic Fun

This entry was posted on Apr 28, 2014 by speedy-bed

Plastic is a great material, that has many uses, some obvious, and some which are not so obvious. When buying products such as Guttering, Fascia, and Soffits, there will be offcuts left over, that would generally been thrown away, or taken to the local council dump. Instead of wasting these left over materials, why not turn them into something fun that adults, and children can enjoy making.


Left over plastics are great for creating works of art. You can add texture to an art piece by using left over guttering, and giving that 3D effect. Not only will children enjoy using these products, as it is something they may not have seen, or used, before, but they can also learn what the product is actually meant for, and it is also a great way of teaching children to recycle.UPVC Soffit Boards


Here are some things that left over plastics can be used for:

Gutters - a great product for the keen gardener. Troughs can be made to grow your own fruit, veg and plants in.

Downpipes – pets can benefit from any leftover material such as making chambers for your hamster to crawl through to give them much needed exercise.

Flat Boards - if you have tables that have seen better days, or may need bringing up to date, left over flat boards can be great for achieving a modern, bright and clean cut new surface.

Fascia & Fascia Corners - children like to have places where they can keep things, such as pocket money, so why not use leftover fascia and fascia corners to create a money box or even a treasure chest, they will have great fun making and using plastics for this purpose.

These are just a few interesting and fun things that you can make with plastic. Why not try some of these ideas yourself.  For further information on how to make plastics fun, please do not hesitate to contact Speedy Plastics and Resins on local number (0844) 8586670, and our team will be delighted to help.