How to Unblock Outdoor Drainpipes

This entry was posted on Dec 11, 2013 by speedy-bed

Blocked drains are a hindrance to every house owner, from excess shower water draining away at a snail’s pace to difficulty flushing the loo, it’s best to nip the problem in the bud before any nasty surprises occur. Black Pipe

To put this into perspective, if you don’t tackle the issue quickly, you could find waste water flowing back up from the toilet, shower and in turn, flooding your home…Not a pleasant image! So, let’s find out exactly how to unblock drains outside, read on.


-Set of rubber gloves

-A spade

-Set of drain rods

-Bucket or hose


Step 1.

Take off the drain cover nearest to your property and see if the chamber is full of water. A spade is useful to get the cover off if there are no handles. If the chamber is empty then the blockage will be located in the soil pipe which runs from the house to the chamber.

If there is a lot of water in the chamber, then the problem is likely to be located further along the pipework closer to the sewer. Check the second nearest chamber until you are able to pinpoint exactly where the problem is coming from.

Step 2.

Screw together two of the three drain rods with the plunger and push the draining rods into the pipe opening towards where the blockage is. Rotate the rods in a clockwise motion to easily push forward, it’s important to ensure that the rods aren’t twisted anti-clockwise or the connectors could come loose and fall into the drain.

Step 3.

Add extra sections of drain rod until you can feel pipe resistance, this is the time to move the plunger back and forth vigorously in an attempt to dislodge the blockage. Twist and push the rods until water runs without obstruction. Pick out any detritus which could be blocking the chamber.

Step 4.

Once back inside your home, use a detergent in the sinks and leave the tap running to dislodge any blockage. Check the water runs clearly and clean the rods with fresh water. If the problem reoccurs, enlist the help of a professional.

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