The Benefits of Installing New Guttering

This entry was posted on Oct 31, 2013 by speedy-bed

Guttering certainly isn’t glamorous and it’s not going to change your life, but keeping the ground that surrounds your property dry is crucial to the structural integrity and upkeep of your home. Guttering can alleviate this problem by directing the rainwater that falls on your home away from the foundations. Black guttering

Following on from our previous post about how to install guttering, this blog will detail the benefits of installing new guttering for your home.

•    Ensure a warm welcome – what better way to say “welcome to my home” than for a pool of water to cascade down from your roof or porch onto your visitors head. Guttering helps to keep you and your visitors dry as you enter and exit the house. Even a small amount of rainfall can quickly become a steady stream without guttering to divert it from the edge of your roof.

•    Maintain your walls and gardens – water falling from the roof onto muddy ground can splash dirt onto the lower sections of exterior walls. A constant stream of water can also damage your flowers and plants.

•    Prevent rot - newly installed guttering can remove much of the risk of wood rot on fascias and soffits. Well maintained guttering will funnel rain water to the ground and keep it away from the wood, preventing it from finding openings in the paint and caulking.

•    Keep basements dry – perhaps the most important part guttering has to play is keeping water well away from basement walls. If water is allowed to sit near the foundations, it will eventually find its way through the ground and into foundation walls, which in time will crack. This can result in buckled foundations, or, in the worst case scenario, the flooding of your basement. This will require some very expensive repair work indeed.

If your guttering is in need of replacement, act now and don’t delay or risk lasting damage and an expensive repair bill. Alternatively, click here for more information about how to install guttering.